Tori Morley was asked to make an appearance on Global News on June 3 2023! Tori was asked by Keith Dundas (director and creator of Keith’s Hootenanny) to discuss the massing positive effect playing at Keith Hootenanny has had on her musical career.
Back in 2020, Tori Morley had started preforming on Keith’s Online Hootenanny. Her first appearance on the online show inspired her to begin creating her own music after she received a massive wave of positive feedback from friends, family and those watching the Zoom streams. As time went on, Keith’s Hootenanny became a local sensation, allowing for the once online show to be held at Sunnyside ContainR Park with SpringBoardYYC running the park. Tori played her first ever live and in person show on the ContainR Park stage.
“I had the time of my life on that stage! I had a 5 year old girl come up to me after my set and ask for my autograph. I will never forget that moment. She melted my heart!"
Last year during one of the last Hootenanny's, Tori was asked to play as the headliner! Her experience headlining her own show was incredibly eye opening as she was so proud of where she was in her life musically. She is excited to continue playing at Keith’s Hootenanny as the years go on.