“The song was inspired by my frustration with how music has turned from a wonderful art form used to express yourself and heighten the human experience to a product made by algorithms… “ --> Tori Morley..
Here’s an example of what I am Raging about! ->https://www.xxlmag.com/fn-meka-virtual-rapper-signs-major-label/

RageEhLittleBit --> Written and Composed by --> Tori Morley
RageEhLittleBit --> Produced, Mixed and Mastered by --> Kurt Morgan of Kurt Morgan Music
RageEhLittleBit --> features the talents of:
Vocals --> Tori Morley
Bass --> Tori Morley
Rythm Guitar --> Kurt Morgan
Lead Guitar --> Kurt Morgan
RageGuitars ;-) Guitar --> Mike Morley
Drums --> Kurt Morgan
RageEhLittleBit gang vocals —> Damo, Eddy, Kmo